Wednesday, November 9, 2011

FFC Day 4

Today's challenge was to wear something from my favorite era, but the only clothes I had for my favortie era's (1940's and 50's) were way too fancy for today. So I decided to go with my next favorite fashion era (at least the one I have an outfit for) and that is the 70's. I  love the high waisted bell bottoms and the loose blouses and long skirts! They are so groovy! :)
Today I tried to find something that would be practical and 70's and this is what I came up with:
Charlotte Russe knit empire waist tunic (hand me down), Tan Modbe layering tee (a shop in Morro Bay, CA), So jeans (Khol's), Tan Croft & Barrow heels (Khol's) brown Jessica Simpson floppy hat (Dillards).
Just so you know, the hat was only $1 at Dillards! (A screaming deal for me!)
Here's a close-up on the hat:
And on the shoes:

Today I got a chance to study for my American Government CLEP exam with another College Plus! student! He and were both grateful for the time to work with someone other than ourselves!
I guess now is a good time to explain what CLEP and College Plus! are.
CLEP is a College Level Examination Program. It's a multiple choice test that if passed, gains you 3-6 college credits. American Government, for example, is a 100 question test to be finished in 90 min. and is worth 3 credits.
College Plus! is a coaching facility that assigns you a coach to help you finish a four year B.A. in two years. They help you plan a degree template, and decide which college you wish to obtain your degree from. I'm going through Thomas Edison State College, who is now officially affiliated with College Plus!. Because I chose a degree in History, I will be able to test out of all but two of my classes. Those two classes I will take online through the college.
So why don't you check it out?



  1. Oooo nice outfit! :) I like your tunic and hat. So cute!

  2. Super cute! It definitely looks like something out of the something Mary Tyler Moore would wear.(:

    & you're doing Collegeplus?? My mom and I had been looking at that for awhile, and i think I may end up doing it. It seems like a huge time (not to mention money) saver!


  3. I love that hat! It's so cute!

    To the KING be all the glory!
