Friday, February 14, 2014

21 Before 21

I've deiced to copy my friend Cassandra @ and create a list of 21 things to accomplish or grow in before I turn 21 in August! So without further ado....

1. Road trip with a friend or two… or more

2. Read at least 5 new theology books
3. Finish my scrap quilt
4. Belt out a song in front of all my friends
5. Learn to make decisions, be they easy or tough!
6. Get a job!!!
7. Finish crocheting a sweater
8. See my best friend (Either she comes here or I got to TN)

9. Reconnect with a few old friends
10. Learn how to use a serger
11. Finish crocheting my Queen sized afghan
12. Become a discipleship group leader
13. Study through 2 Peter and 1, 2, 3 John.
14. Do a DIY project for my room

15. Go to VNSA
16. Buy Teavana tea
17. Redecorate my bedroom
18. See 1 independent film not in every theater
19. Use my typewriter at least 3 times a week

20. Begin to pray consistently and diligently
21. Attend at least one concert or play!

So there you have it! Check back every now and then to see if I crossed something off the list! Also, if you think you can help me accomplish one or any of these please let me know! It's so much more fun to do it with a friend! :)