Thursday, September 6, 2012

What to do, What to do?

I have a problem here....I'm not posting anything!!!
Time to remedy that! 
Today I did something big...I registered for my two online classes I'm taking this fall! These are the only two classes I will take for my entire degree! *big squeal and happy dance*
And to copy my friend on her blog last week, here is a video that she got me hooked on! I have been listening to it nearly everyday since, and have been trying some of the dance moves...

Thanks a lot Ashley! :-P

On another note...I am now 19! happened sometime a few weeks back. Somehow I do feel older...or maybe that's my out-of-shape body yelling at me to do something with it.
Now for a moment of pride.
My brother ran last week for the first time ever with his cross country team in Flagstaff. He placed 94th out of 273 and 2nd in his team! Way to go Andrew!!!

And now to finish off, a thought provoking quote worth mentioning:

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
~C. S. Lewis~

Monday, June 11, 2012

My first mini vacation and a few promised pics...

Ok, so I'm a only-every-two-months kind of blogger...
To make up for my long absence, I present to you...

First up: My bestie and Sister in Christ, Ashely! Isn't she just gorgeous!!! 
(And the equally spectacular Grand Canyon behind her of course!)

Next is my brothers and Robbie, Ashley's younger brother. 
(He's the one with the Angry Birds t-shirt)

All four of us at the Grand Canyon. 
L-R: Robbie, Me, Ashley, Andrew (my brother)
(not the best pic, I know, but we were all looking at the other cameras)

Robbie...being his usual goofy self.

All four of us wearing the awesome (and matching!) duct-tape wristbands Andrew made for us!

The entire B family!!!

So pretty much, they arrived on Monday evening of the 21st. We had a blast with just Ashley, Robbie, and Mrs. B at the Sea Life Aquarium in Tempe on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, we just hung out with friends of ours (the P family) in Mesa. 
(and ate some pretty darn good bbq chicken!)
Thursday, we drove up to Williams where we stayed. It was colder than we expected, and was pretty windy!
Friday, we drove up to the Grand Canyon, and WOW!!! It's beyond spectacular!  I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked since the elevation change didn't agree with me, but HEY!!! Who cares! It was the Grand Canyon! 
On Saturday, we drove down to Prescott and stopped there to look at some of the shops.
They had an entire store chock full of notebooks, pens, and the like.
I was in heaven!
(For those who don't know, I have this obsession with notebooks, and a mild one with pens)
Then we drove a bit further south to Humboldt to visit our friends the K family!

Ashley and I with the two oldest K girls.
Esther (L), and Emily (R)
We stayed the night there at the K's house and had a small bible study the next morning before heading out again.
This time, it was home to Phoenix!!!
Mr. B had to leave the next morning unfortunately, due work, but the rest of the family stayed a few days more. 
The rest of the days a kind of a blur, but I remember it ending at the airport on Wednesday afternoon.
I willed myself to not cry since it would dry out my contacts and I had no cleaning solution to rinse them out with, but I cried inside.
Every time I see the B's and the visit must end, I always think of that song from The Fox and the Hound.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's a memory
And there it will always be.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Self prediction come true: It's been over 2 months since my last post. I'm back simply at the request of a friend, and because I have good news! My bestie is coming down from Tennessee!!! (and the happy dance commences) 
This is us back in 2010.
I can say that not much has changed physically for both of us, but we both have grown immensely spiritually and personality-wise.
Ashley and I have been best friends since 2001, and we have become to each other the sisters we never had. 
Back in 2007 they moved to Seattle from here in Arizona, and we were devastated. I felt as if a part of me was missing. (There still is.) We have tried to see each other at least once a year, but unfortunately it has been a little longer than that. The last time I saw her was in October of 2010. I went up for her Sweet 16th, as her birthday present. We spent two days in Victoria, Canada, and had a blast. :) 
Then, earlier this year, her dad got a new job in Nashville which is much closer to Pensacola, Florida, where Ashley will be going to college at PCC.
Two weeks is the countdown till her arrival, and I hope to post at least once more before then.
(And afterwards, of course, with pictures!)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back Again!

See! I told you I wouldn't post that much! :)
Right now, life has been throwing all sorts of curveballs at me. I had the fantastic opportunity to go to Ireland, yet it didn't come through. I had the opportunity to serve in the 8-23 month classroom at our church last Sunday, and I got sick. We have had perpetual illness in our family of 9 since before Christmas. 
Yet God has been faithful. We have become closer (due to not being able to leave the house!) and have learned an insane amount of patience. 
It reminds me of my favorite passage of scripture.
"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
~James 1:2-4~

I have been finding that patience it not the only part of my faith being tested. It's my faith in my faith, so to speak. How much do I really trust God? Is he all that I trust? I am a pleasure seeker. I run to entertainment and to something I know I enjoy, such as crafts. This has proven to be a real challenge when it comes to serving my family, studying diligently for a CLEP test, or setting time aside for God. I have never been very consistent in reading my Bible, or in prayer. But I aim to change that. I have embarked on a month long journey through Colossians, and I pray that I build a habit of running to the Word, instead of music, movies, or novels. I ask for prayer, as a sister in Christ, that I may make Christ the lover of my soul.
And now I ask you...  
how has the Lord been testing your faith lately? 

Friday, January 13, 2012

My newest WIP...

A Work In Progress that is. My latest novel happens to take place in my favorite era: The American Civil War. 
So I'm going to do what my friend Mirriam does. (hehe. Stole your idea!) I'm going to do a character intro along with a photo of an actor I think could play my character. 
First first Main Character. 
Keith Grahm (played by Kiefer Sutherland)
This character was inspired by a dream. No joke.
(I think I've been watching way too much 24 on Netflix!)
Keith is a Union Captain. His entire brigade died in battle, yet by some miracle he survived. He now no longer carries the visible wounds, but the internal wounds are destroying him. He lives with guilt and despair. His only joy is found in his wife Loretta and her twin nieces Evaline and Jacqueline. He is 42.
Loretta Beaufont Grahm (played by Daniela Denby-Ashe)
Loretta is Keith's wife and proud of it! She is a fragile woman in body, but strong in spirit. Her strength has helped Keith over the 15 years of their marriage. Being so frail, she has failed to carry all of her 8 pregnancies to term. Now she is 8 months pregnant. She has a nagging fear that she will not survive childbirth, yet she never tells Keith. Her cousin, is Louise Talcott by her mother's sister. She is 36.
Evaline and Jacquline Beaufont (played by Maggie Elizabeth Jones
These twin girls are a delight in the Beaufont home. Keith makes it his special duty to keep them smiling and giggling. They take a special liking to Marie. They are 8.

Marie Amos (played by Liv Tyler)
Marie is a young, sweet Northern girl who has spent the last 4 years in the South on her late grandfather's farm. Gentle and kind, she took up the responsibility of teaching the young slave children. Her father freed them when he inherited the farm and encouraged them to stay as hired help.  When her father, Samuel, and her two older brothers, Joshua and Daniel, enlist in the Union army, she is left with the Talcotts. Their "hired hands" are free to go North or to go looking for their families. At the Talcotts, she and Louise are always fighting and exact opposites, but when it counts, they are there for each other. She is 19.

Louise Talcott (played by Keeley Hawes)
Louise is a very determined flirt, not to mention quite ditzy. She is very naive and every inch a southern belle.
When she arrives in Baltimore, she instantly develops a crush on her Keith and makes no effort to hide it. Shamelessly she openly flirts with him and totally disregards any efforts of others to deter her.
She is 18.
There are more key characters, but that is all I have time for right now. 
I can't wait to really dig into it!!!