Monday, June 11, 2012

My first mini vacation and a few promised pics...

Ok, so I'm a only-every-two-months kind of blogger...
To make up for my long absence, I present to you...

First up: My bestie and Sister in Christ, Ashely! Isn't she just gorgeous!!! 
(And the equally spectacular Grand Canyon behind her of course!)

Next is my brothers and Robbie, Ashley's younger brother. 
(He's the one with the Angry Birds t-shirt)

All four of us at the Grand Canyon. 
L-R: Robbie, Me, Ashley, Andrew (my brother)
(not the best pic, I know, but we were all looking at the other cameras)

Robbie...being his usual goofy self.

All four of us wearing the awesome (and matching!) duct-tape wristbands Andrew made for us!

The entire B family!!!

So pretty much, they arrived on Monday evening of the 21st. We had a blast with just Ashley, Robbie, and Mrs. B at the Sea Life Aquarium in Tempe on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, we just hung out with friends of ours (the P family) in Mesa. 
(and ate some pretty darn good bbq chicken!)
Thursday, we drove up to Williams where we stayed. It was colder than we expected, and was pretty windy!
Friday, we drove up to the Grand Canyon, and WOW!!! It's beyond spectacular!  I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked since the elevation change didn't agree with me, but HEY!!! Who cares! It was the Grand Canyon! 
On Saturday, we drove down to Prescott and stopped there to look at some of the shops.
They had an entire store chock full of notebooks, pens, and the like.
I was in heaven!
(For those who don't know, I have this obsession with notebooks, and a mild one with pens)
Then we drove a bit further south to Humboldt to visit our friends the K family!

Ashley and I with the two oldest K girls.
Esther (L), and Emily (R)
We stayed the night there at the K's house and had a small bible study the next morning before heading out again.
This time, it was home to Phoenix!!!
Mr. B had to leave the next morning unfortunately, due work, but the rest of the family stayed a few days more. 
The rest of the days a kind of a blur, but I remember it ending at the airport on Wednesday afternoon.
I willed myself to not cry since it would dry out my contacts and I had no cleaning solution to rinse them out with, but I cried inside.
Every time I see the B's and the visit must end, I always think of that song from The Fox and the Hound.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's a memory
And there it will always be.